When the muscle tissue is dehydrated, the skin will not “roll” as smoothly as it should. This gives me a baseline about what treatment should be applied next. A common sign of dehydration observed in my office is extreme muscle pain upon palpation of the muscle tissues when gentle touching of the involved muscles is applied. One of the most common signs of dehydration involves a loss of skin tone or loose, wrinkled skin. Without the proper amount of water running through your body, just imagine how thick your blood has become. Now imagine your muscle fibers sticking together like spaghetti that has been drained and cooled. Got the picture? So how can your muscles and body perform at their maximum potential when the muscle fibers are “sticky” and the blood is thickened? This causes the body’s toxins to become trapped in the muscle tissue and remain there giving you aches and pains, headaches, etc.
Thirst is not usually the first symptom or the only symptom of dehydration. Other symptoms of dehydration include: fatigue, headache, dry mouth, dizziness, weakness, rapid heartbeat, dry flushed skin, muscle cramps, and myofascial pain to name a few.
When the body is fully hydrated, then the blood is thinner, moving efficiently and cleaning out the muscle tissue and bringing in the much needed nutrients. Now the muscle fibers separate, are fuller from hydration and perform to their highest ability, therefore no symptoms of fatigue or aches and pains.
Drinking water after massage recommended. One reason is that water will help the kidneys and other organs process the various substances which move through the body on a regular basis and after a massage treatment, a lot of toxins have been released, so you need to flush them out. Drinking water before a massage makes it easier for the massage therapist to perform deep work by hydrating the muscles so that they are easier to manipulate.