1. WINTER BLUES (S.A.D.) We need to take care of our emotional and psychological wellness in order to stay healthy and stress free. Massage therapy is a wonderful way to get out of the winter funk and keep your mood light and bright. It is like a mini vacation from the everyday routine and to forget that it is below zero outside. Through the power of touch, massage can increase serotonin and dopamine production to reduce anxiety, depression, and seasonal affective disorder.
2. IMMUNE BOOSTER Being out in the cold really might make you catch a cold. Did you know that massage therapy is a proven immune booster? Massage therapy increases lymph flow which fights off infections and bacteria, boosting your immune system during the cold and flu season!
3. DRY SKIN Dry winter air, blustery wind, and the blazing heater can dry your skin quickly. Massage therapy is proven to improve skin hydration during these dry winter months. Oils and lotions used in massage contain healthy amounts of vitamin E, which your skin will absorb better through circulatory motion, leaving your skin feeling nourished and hydrated!
4. SHOVELING Cold fingers, numb feet and tired muscles. Everything we don’t like about winter in a neat little package. Our deep tissue massage can decrease inflammation and help muscles repair. Getting a massage after shoveling is exactly what your lower back, shoulders, and forearms are screaming for.
5. CIRCULATION Low temperature causes the blood vessels to constrict, decreasing blood circulation and increasing blood pressure. This can bring on many discomforts, aches, pains and arthritis. Regular massage enhances blood flow, naturally lowering blood pressure, increasing body temperature, and improving body function.